Tahfidz and Tahsin programs

One of the most distinguished programs of Sekolah Paradisa Cendekia is Tahfidz. It is part of YPMH Al Qur’an Studies Program that allows learners to engage with the holy Qur’an both verbally and meaningfully. Learners are encouraged not only to memorize but also to understand the pristine connotations of the Qur’anic verses. This will help them to develop Islamic way of life: fill the life with the best worship and the greatest work, live the life with happiness and compassion based on Al Qur’an and Al-Hadith.
This is a mandatory program for all learners with rigorous schedules and structured targets. The commendation and awarding day of Khotmul Qur’an is held annually and is presented to those who have completed memorizing Al Qur’an 1 (one) juz at the end of the academic year. Our greatest hope is that our children will bring the perfection and beauty of Islam to the society through their noble character (akhlaqul karimah) to create a better and more peaceful world.